Customer Name:
Brinkmann Constrctors |
Tom Oberle, Vice President |
16650 Chesterfield Grove Road |
#100 | |
Chesterfield, MO 63005 | |
Project Name:
Modular Locker Room Joplin Missouri |
Contract Number:
W912DQ-11-C-4022 |
Prime Contractor:
ECHO DCL, Inc. |
Contract Type:
1. Contract Date:
July 21, 2011 |
2. Mobilization Date:
August 4, 2011 |
3. Completion Date:
August 16, 2011 |
5. Location:
Joplin, MO |
ECHO DCL completed the design and construction of one Modular Locker Room Facility for a total of 2,820 square feet. Scope of work included design, engineering, and manufacturing. Complete turnkey construction included delivery, set-up, awnings, decks, steps and ramps. An ECHO DCL Superintendent was present from Start to Finish and completed all work in eleven days!
More information on this project can be found here.
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